

Adam stared at the pretty girl on the sidewalk and then at his friend-filled car.

“Sure Katie, you can come too, but you’ll have to squeeze in next to me.”

Adam plans on a carefree summer. KD2 plans on surviving in a primitive civilization.
Adam grew up in a suburban McMansion. KD2 grew up in a small spacecraft with six survivors of Sviluppare’s destruction, hurtling towards the nearest hospitable planet, Earth.

He finds her intense blue eyes a bit unnerving. The cosmetic implants were intended to help her blend. She finds them uncomfortable and unnecessary.

He says what people want to hear. She reads thoughts.

Before the afternoon is over, both are ready to part ways.
Fate has another idea.

I once gave a speech on why I opposed diversity training. The title raised a few eyebrows at my workplace, where diversity training was in strong force. My premise was that focusing on differences could sometimes blind us to a multitude of similarities. I truly believe that all humans are more alike than different. In this book, I’d like to watch an alien and a human make that discovery.

Book Blurb Friday is hosted by Lisa Ricard Claro, who posts a weekly photo and challenges us to “write a book jacket blurb (150 words or less) so enticing that potential readers would feel compelled to buy the book.” That’s quite a challenge, but it’s a lot of fun as well. Click on the image at the left to read more blurbs or enter one of your own.
This week’s blurb has 121 words.


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