B. Mine

B.B. Jones spent her childhood dodging the vituperative collisions of a philandering father and a drunken mother. Her adult life tolerates no trace of disorder.

Her peaceful existence dissolves, when she witnesses an attack in the narrow walkway beneath her apartment window.

Detective Luc Moretti is trained to recognize lies. What motive does the mousey librarian have for lying about her name? Luc loves mysteries and soon his investigation extends far beyond the walkway attack.

B.B. knows that men can’t be trusted, particularly the handsome ones. Nothing about Detective Moretti fits in her life. Not his party-loving friends. Not his French/Italian parents and their raucous tribe. Not his searing looks that pierce her mind and clothing.

Will her family’s history be repeated as two opposites collide?

Book Blurb Friday is hosted by Lisa Ricard Claro, who posts a weekly photo and challenges us to “write a book jacket blurb (150 words or less) so enticing that potential readers would feel compelled to buy the book.” That’s quite a challenge, but it’s a lot of fun as well. Click on the image at the left to read more blurbs or enter one of your own. 

This week’s blurb has 126 words


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