The Athiest

Janet Haskins has always wanted a stained glass window for her foyer. Her dreams of sunlight streaming through a colorful array of flowers ends, when she returns from a trip and sees her husband’s surprise.

“Salvaged from an old church. Isn’t it a beauty?”

Stretching from the floor to the top of the vaulted ceiling, the window is both overpowering and inappropriate.
“We’re atheists, Carl.”

“You are.”

“Then our marriage has been a lie.”

Within weeks, the marriage is over and Carl departs. With barely enough money to pay the mortgage, Janet must live with the window. Worse still, it is a magnet for churchgoers wishing to attend services at the “new church”.

Lightning strikes when Janet envisions collection plates overflowing with money and decides to form her own church.

What can an atheist minister offer a congregation of believers? What can they teach her about faith and love?

Book Blurb Friday is hosted by Lisa Ricard Claro, who posts a weekly photo and challenges us to “write a book jacket blurb (150 words or less) so enticing that potential readers would feel compelled to buy the book.” That’s quite a challenge, but it’s a lot of fun as well. Click on the image at the left to read more blurbs or enter one of your own.
This week’s blurb has 149 words.


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