Journey of a Thousand Days

Congratulations to blogger, John Sealander, who has completed one thousand days of consecutive blog posts.

In a world filled with brazen politicians and salesmen, who promote their viewpoints and wares with the strength of a tactical loudspeaker, John’s blog provides a welcome contrast that communicates volumes through the quiet details of everyday life.

Daily walks with his Dalmatians and a nature photo snapped along the way are blended with details of the furnace repairman’s repeated visits and rain that pools on the roof. I’ve followed John through doctor’s visits and health scares. I’ve empathized with the tedium of everyday tasks. I’ve admired his dedication to Dalmatian Rescue. My enchantment with his blog, however, is something much deeper.

John confesses his obsessions and inconsistencies with a self-deprecating wit and honesty that makes me know he’s real. Yes, he says there is not enough money to repair the leaking roof, but he finds the cash to feed his addiction to technical gadgets. He’s obsessed with owning duplicates of everything from coffeemakers to headsets and recently upgraded to a larger storage unit. He doesn’t gloss over his foibles and he gives all the details. Just try to find a politician, who does that!

Why do I care which restaurant John chooses for his Friday morning breakfast? Why do I read the details of vomiting dogs or backyard grass that is beleaguered by birds and armadillos? Because John is as reliable and comforting as my morning cup of coffee. Life, like any big picture, is composed of a multitude of tiny details. As John shares the details of his own life, he helps me see my own bigger picture.

Please stop by John’s blog, Some Assembly Required, to congratulate him on this milestone. Warning: Once you start reading, you’ll have to go back for more.
Congratulations, John. Here’s to one thousand more.


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