Little Things

We celebrated the delivery of two new cushy brown recliners this week. 

We had brought one recliner with us from Memphis, but it has been the only permanent seating in our living room since our arrival. We’ve been dragging our office chairs into the living room, whenever we want to watch television. They aren’t uncomfortable for desk work, but they aren’t the best seating for relaxation. 

We finally found a pair like the one pictured at left. Their smaller scale made them a perfect fit for our living room and their smaller price worked with our budget. Only time will tell how they hold up, but, so far, they have enthusiastic thumbs up. 

Now we just need to finish decorating. There was a day, when we would have been checking out accessories, searching for pieces to complement our new furnishings. In our quest to keep life simpler, however, we will improvise with existing pieces. That’s not a great hardship as we still have several unpacked boxes of them in the garage. What we don’t use will be donated to the local thrift shop. As Calico noted, getting rid of things can be quite addictive.


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