Trying To Get Ahead . . . phone

Buying headphones isn’t difficult, but at our house, it is a challenge to keep them intact.

LucyFur, Calico’s favorite cat, has developed a taste for headphone wires. We’ve lost several pairs to her wire chewing penchant. We used to leave our headphones plugged into our laptops, readily available for listening. LucyFur changed that and we began to hide them away before going to bed. That worked until she began to ruthlessly stalk them. Even a five minute absence can result in frayed-wire consequences.  

In addition to vigilance, we’ve started purchasing bargain-bin headphones. My heart may yearn for the five-star, Ultrasone headphones, but my brain dictates the Dollar Store version. It may be the logical choice, but the static offends my music-loving soul.


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