Miss Muffin's Day

Miss Muffin has waited, not always patiently, for the arrival of her 10th birthday. We had eaten out twice in the previous week, a dramatic break from our usual eat-at-home style, so we decided on a home celebration for her day. Ribs, a birthday girl favorite, made their appearance and later a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and toffee ice cream. Miss Muffin loves to help make cakes, even her own. Calico selected my grandmother’s favorite dark chocolate cake recipe and it brought back memories of the time I taught her to make it. It’s an awesome cake and a tradition worth passing on. It was colorfully decorated and topped with large candles that proclaimed 10.

And did the birthday girl get gifts? Of course! They centered around several types of peel-and-stick packs for her new bedroom. She abhors the white walls that fill our new home, so these, ranging from large flowers to assorted-sized dots and colorful letters, will let her transform her bedroom into a rainbow-colored retreat that is perfect for our budding artist. A couple new summer outfits and a kitten charm completed her stash of gifts.
Although we like our new house, it has still felt a bit strange. There’s nothing like a family tradition to change that and yesterday our new house began to feel like our home.


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