Worth a Smile

The neighbor’s cat had made her last trip through his back yard. Now if he could just get the bad taste out of his mouth.
His human claimed she was committed to his dental care, but substituting a garden hose for a water pic showed mighty poor judgment. 

His tail had disappeared and Grandma was the prime suspect. He’d heard she’d been collecting tales for one hundred weeks.  
I was certainly smiling, when I realized that this was the one hundred week marker for Succinctly Yours and just a month away from our second anniversary. Writing and reading tiny tales is one of the highlights of my week. Many thanks to everyone who has contributed stories and left comments. It is much appreciated.

Succinctly Yours offers a weekly photo and word as inspiration for your microfiction. How low can you go? Choose the 140 character or 140 word option.
This week’s word was judgment.


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