Out of This World

Some hostess! Three days late for my own party.

I was working on my stories on Monday, when Calico needed some help extracting data from an ancient pdf containing very poorly scanned images. After two days of trying various OCR tools, I finally found one that would do the trick without purchasing anything. Today, I’m back to blogging and hope that a couple of you are still lingering at the party.  

Visitors from Planet Amphibian assumed human form in order to blend in, but their squat and hop navigation spoiled the effect.

Earth was ruled by metallic monsters with foul breath and eyes that glowed at night. Croak checked an underbelly, looking for a soft spot.  

Croak’s story ended tragically, when the monster roared and charged. Other visitors fared better and learned to thrive in the new culture.
This week’s word was amphibian.


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