Succinctly Yours - Mystery Product Revealed

I was certain that someone would guess this week’s product. Easy for me to say, since I already knew the answer. 
The uniforms do have an airline look, but they aren’t.
The cape and hat were worn by nurses. The cap style indicated the individual’s nursing school. I remember my mother donning her’s before making home health visits. She gave up the cape, while I was still young, but wore the cap with her white uniform for many years.

The man’s hat is indeed military. I’ve shown a clearer image of the insignia on the cap. Notice the anchors at the bottom, a clue that this is a Navy officer’s hat.

The uniforms, unfortunately, don’t provide a clue for the product advertisement. I can see why those gleaming teeth inspired guesses for dental products. If that was your guess, you were getting closer.

I’ve composed another succinct story as a hint:
It was rumored that she was 99 44/100% pure. Joe wondered if the remaining fraction would permit a kiss.

If you’re still scratching your head, click here to see the advertisement.


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