A Touch Of Class

If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times.
Classy dragons don't neglect their pedicures.


Microfiction Monday offers a new image each week and a challenge to write a story of 140 characters or less. Click on the image to see other entries. Why not try your own?


  1. Now there's something I didn't know: even dragon toenails get the blues! Not a good look with sandals, I'm afraid.

  2. LOL I didn't even notice the fingernails on the dragon until I read this. Well done:)

  3. I guess even Dragons got to take care of their Appearance. I just wouldn't want to be the one who hurt the dragon by mistake tending to the Nails. Nice take on the picture.

  4. Yes, so very important. We cannot have them ragged, can we? :-)

  5. Knights won't be scared of raggy yellow claws like they would of sharp and shiny ones! I never thought of that before -- and I laughed out loud at this!


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