No Time Left

for writing.

I usually write for the NaNoWriMo challenge in the early hours of the morning.   Our home isn't terribly noisy, but some days anything will distract me and the flow of words halt.  So you can usually find me writing somewhere between 1am and 4am.  Sometimes, I don't finish the daily quota of words.  My eyes begin to blur and so does my mind.  That happened this morning, leaving me about 500 words short of my goal.  I got some sleep, arose around 11am and fortified by caffiene and breakfast, I decided to give it a try.  Surely I could manage 500 more words.

I could.  Then I wrote some more.  When I finished it was after 5pm.  I had long since tired of writing, but the words didn't want to stop.  Over 3500 of them. The quality wasn't bad either.  I've produced far worse when I've written far less.

The bottom line is that I've nothing left for the blog today.   But I'll be back tomorrow.

NaNoWriMo  27, 906 words and still writing.



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