Winning The Battle

I hadn't planned on writing today, but the lure was too strong.  Just 1,005  away from the 50,000 word goal and the next chapter was begging to be written.  So I tackled it and crossed the finish line with 1.448 words to spare.

Have I won the war as well?  Not yet.  I'm estimating another 20 to 30 thousand words before the first draft is completed.  There's eight days left before NaNoWriMo draws to a close.  Completion in that time frame is  possible, but not my goal.  I'm ready to slow the pace a bit and will happily settle for 5,000 words a week.  Hopefully, I'll greet the New Year, with a completed first draft and still have found time to pursue other neglected interests.  A bit of  hopping is near the top of my list.  I've missed visiting my blog world friends.  So don't be surprised if you find me knocking at your door.  Virtually, that is.

NaNoWriMo 51, 448 words and still writing.



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