
Thursday Thirteen - Grandma isn't listless anymore

The best language courses go beyond textbook English and teach idioms as well. Even so, I've found that some of the most important ones are missing. Here is a list of common sayings and their translations:
  1. I don't mean to be rude, but . . ..
    Prepare to have your feelings hurt

  2. Thank you for being a valued customer.
    Prepare for a sales pitch.

  3. With a 90% chance of precipitation.
    It's going to rain

  4. With a 90 % chance of blue skies and sunshine
    It's going to rain

    Number 3 and 4 are particularly tricky.  In areas of extreme drought, they mean unremitting sunshine.

  5. I'm sure you'll have better luck next time.
    Come on. Spend your hard earned money on more lottery tickets.

  6. Left lane closed in 500 ft.
    The right lane will now be filled with bumper-to-bumper traffic that would rather wreck their car than let you merge.

  7. Time limited offer
    You will be listening to this ad for months

  8. Critic acclaimed movie
    Most of us will neither understand or like this one.

  9. Download for free.
    Be prepared to provide your credit card information.

  10. Even a child can do it.
    Only a child can do it.

  11. Easy to learn. Simple to operate.
    Not even a child can do it.

  12. Get out of debt forever.
    Give me money you can't afford to part with.

  13. That dress is really you!
    I work almost totally on commission

I hope you've found this list helpful. Because you are a valued customer, Grandma would like to make this time-limited offer to download more translations for free. They are so easy to learn that even a child can do it. Order in the next minute and I'll also provide free information on how to get out of debt forever. Does that sound good? Had I mentioned that there's a 99% chance of sunshine tomorrow?

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  1. Ha! Ha! very funny. Loved all of these. Made my day.

    Here is mine – 13 Best novel first lines!

  2. LOL Very clever. Thanks for starting my day with a smile. Happy T13!

  3. Oh, those are great! You forgot "I'm sorry, but..." No. I'm never sorry when I say that. I just don't have another phrase to use!

  4. You hit the nail on the head with those translations!

  5. really funny and clever! the number 1 is surely a winner!!!:D :D

  6. #6 is GREAT! (and very true if you live in NJ)

  7. So true! And it is raining, or about to!

  8. No kidding.... I'm so tired of it all....

    Have a great Thursday!

  9. that one. So true. It's been raining here for what seems like 40 days and 40 nights!!!

    My 13 is listed below my Thursday Thunks...scroll down a bit on my blog entry. It's all about odd surnames and their origins today ---like Suess, etc. Here they are I'm going through the Mr. Linky right now, so if you've stopped by already and I didn't know.......thanks for the visit.

  10. Very clever and funny. Happy T13! Thank you for visiting.

  11. These were great. Another is "Trust me." It means "Run from me very fast because I'm gonna do something very bad to you."

    13 Characters from Rose and Prince Brendan

  12. True testimonial from a real person...
    "Grandma's translations gave me the confidence I needed to accomplish my goals. I was able to quit my job. Now I can spend more time with my family! Thanks Grandma!"
    Results not typical. But you will laugh.

    Thanks for visiting my T13 13 Fun Facts About Walking!


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